Every Day Italian

I knew that looking back and all the times I had cried would one day make me laugh. What I didn't realize, was that looking back on all the times I laughed would one day make me cry.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Blue Skies Smiling at Me

Puerto Rico was amazing and I have pictures to prove it.
After we arived on Thursday, we got settled and looked around the place. Nice doesn't beging to cover it.

Thursday night we attended a welcome reception where we danced, ate, and had a good ole time.

Afterwards, we went to check out some local clubs. Thursday isn't a big night in any of the clubs, but we made our way to the dance floor. Everyone there knows how to Salsa. I'm not sure if I ever mastered that dance, but if all else fails get someone to twirl ya.
The next morning Sheri and I had dates...with the spa. As if I needed help to get more relaxed. It was wonderful. We then headed to Old San Juan to shop and sight see.

Saturday morning was our day to snorkel. We sailed out to a great spot and dove right in. Stay tuned for pictures. Underwater cameras rock!
When we returned, we checked out a nearby town. Authentic Puerto Rico. Saturday was our final night in Puerto Rico. More food, more dancing, tikki torches, beach...need I say more.
The after party involved re-visiting a nearby club. Saturday night this place was hot! There was a local girl punk band playing that night. It was a good time. A very long night, that extended to the morning, but it was WELL worth it.
Sunday morning Sheri and I discovered the hammocks.

This is the life.
Stay tuned for more details and pictures.

Monday, August 22, 2005

On most days I can do a fairly good job at maintaining the "happy face" that most people see. Today, wasn't one of those days. Frustration took over, I found myself unable to smile. It was a great lesson in self control not to throw myself on the ground, kicking and screaming, two-year-old-style. Some people have called me a drama queen, and I don't deny this, I have my moments. And there might have been a time, in the not-so-distant past when I would have handled this in a manner much resembling a tantrum. Thank God times have changed.

Last Week
Tuesday night a group of us from church headed to a Fort Worth Cats game.

Wednesday, Sheri and I paid a visit to the Movie Tavern. We watched Dukes of Hazzard.

Friday night was another movie night. We watched the new war movie The Great Raid, which was a decent flick. I'm not a huge fan of war films, but I enjoyed it.

Saturday night we had a small bachelorette party for a co-worker. We headed downtown to Pete's Piano Bar. I really enjoyed Pete's the first two times I've been. But it is starting to lose its thrill. I need a break. NO MORE PETE'S. Give me two months and I see if anyone out there would care to join me for group karaoke.

It wasn't an overly exciting weekend, but that is fine by me. I can do low key.
At least until Puerto Rico, just a few more days.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Special Place In My Heart

Four years ago, on Thanksgiving day, my dad suffered a heart attack. Heart disease runs in my family and at the young age of 49, my dad suffered a heart attack that could have killed him. I can remember driving behind the ambulance, crying, and praying that my dad would be okay. My prayers were answered. My dad has fully recovered, but it has left a lasting impression on the rest of my family. So, when I tell you that my latest project holds a special place in my heart, believe me.
(I step on my soap box) Heart disease and stroke are the number 1 and 3 killers in the nation. This does not only affect the obviously unhealthy, overweight individuals. Heart disease is the number 1 killer of kids under the age of 15 (wow). So, I bet you are wondering how we can save lives if this is something that is hereditary. Well, there isn't much we can do to prevent this, but we can definitely so something to help.
When someone has a heart attack, there is a window of about 7 minutes. If they recieve CPR their chances of survival are drastically improved. On September 24, I will be participating in the HEART WALK. The HEART WALK is a idea that hopes to raise money to teach CPR classes to high school seniors and business and to put life saving devices (defibrillators, the machine that shocks people) in business and on ambulances in rural communities. How confident are you that an ambulance will get to your loved one in 7 minutes? Knowledge is power. Equip people with the knowledge to save lives.
I know I'm starting to ramble. This is something that I could talk about for a while. To sum things up, I realize that most of you guys are students and don't have a lot of money, but I am asking for your support. You may not be able to contribute directly, but you might know someone who would be willing to give something (parents, coworkers, etc.). I know that everyone knows at least one person that has been affected personally by a heart attack. Please pass the word along. If you know of someone that you would rather me contact, I would be more than happy to talk with them.
I have a donation site set up through the hospital and the minimum donation on the site is $25, but any amount can be given to me personally to submit.
I know this was long, but I hope some of you found this of interest.
American Heart Association Donation site.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Some people grow up, some just grow

The topic for the day was going to be about my newest project, the Heart Walk, but I will postpone that for another time.
By request, the topic is old boyfriends. Not really a subject anyone wants to talk about, in fact most people avoid. In fact, it really isn't a subject that I care to reflect on for too long. Not to worry you won't have to listen to stories or any other male bashing.

So, a relationships ends. The words, "let's keep in touch" or the dreaded "let's be friends" talk ends what you vested time and energy into. Let's be honest, you can't be friends or anything else for that matter.
Then, one day, out of the blue, you hear from said "friend". It is strange that although you have closure (or so you thought) feelings seem to spring forth. Unwanted feelings of anger, confusion, and (dare I say it) jealousy. The trouble is, once these thoughts start so do all the memories, which can be the worst possible thing. During this reflection it is funny how you can only recall the good times. But let's not forget the reason that they represent your past, not present.

I'm sure everyone has their story to tell, each one to top the one before. These are learning experiences (I think).

Moving on, growing up...it is a good thing. (#17 it is okay if you to wish birds to poop on his car everyday for the next year...) Some people grow up, some just grow.

Stay tuned for info on the Heart Walk happening Sept. 24.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Stupid is, As stupid does.

I was emailing a friend tonight and thought I might share a bit of it with you. (the friend will have to endure these ramblings again).
I 'm now 2 months into Texas living and I love it. I really think that I might stick around for a while and see all that Fort Worth has to offer. Work...I guess it is going well. It's strange, I've spent so long in college and preparing for my job/career and I feel stupid. It is very frustrating at times. They can't teach you in class what years of expericence can. The worst feeling in the world is when someone or some situation makes you feel stupid or leaves you feeling useless. I'm not going to say that I don't like work, because I love it. It is a challenge. As many have witnessed or heard, the past 2 weeks have been less than fun at work. SUPER busy. I'm hoping that once school starts that the craziness at the hospital will die down. Until then, I'll suck it up.

Monday, August 15, 2005

End of swimsuit season

Tonight Sheri and I went shopping for swimwear for Puerto Rico (only a 9 more days). We both felt the need to buy a new bathingsuit for our first scuba adventure. (I'm sure the fish won't even notice. ) Isn't vacation supposed to be about relaxation, it seems like we are doing alot of preparation, but I see it as excitement.
We both got new swim digs ...watch out boys. Then we did what any girl would do to celebrate the end of swimsuit season...went out for ice cream. BEN AND JERRY'S ...yummy in my tummy.

What do you do with the spoon when you are done...lick it and and stick it to your nose of course.

Can you guess what flavor? If you guessed brownie with a sliver of peanut butter cup, you are correct.

This is what I'm talking about. Without a roomate, this would have been just another boring Monday night, after what could only be termed as a hellish Monday.

**Note** I am determined that this week will be better than last week, even though it has gotten off to a rough start.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

When is it okay to lie?

I'm all about being honest (sometimes brutally), it truly is the best policy....most of the time. My theory is that you should NEVER ask a question that you don't want to know the answer to.

Here are some situations where lying might be acceptable.

If a creepy guy in short shorts and a safari hat asks you if the seat next to yours is taken...it is okay to fib. (This is also a situation where it would be okay to give a false name.)

If your grandmother gives you an sweater with snowmen and jingle bells on it...go right ahead and say that you like it.

Hey Sheri, "Does my butt look big in this?"..... Lie and make it convincing.

When mom calls you while out on a friday night and asks where you are....tell her the Library, she'll never know it is a club.

If your BFF asks what direction Mr. Right was walking, it is okay to throw her off the track so that you can talk to him first.

***Notice, these are all situations where no one really gets hurt. Honesty, still the best way to go. It is always better to know than not know.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Thanks for the honesty

Someone told me that they don't really ready anything I write, they just look at the pictures. (thanks for being honest)
I have hundreds of pictures so that shouldn't be a problem. I scrapbook and I like to take pictures. So if you see me out,get ready to SMILE, camera will be in hand.

I thought I would start by posting some pics of my new friends.

This is my friend Sarah (my long lost sister) and Sheri (my oldest friend). We went to a Rangers game with my family.

Here is a picture of Wes (shaved head), David, Liz, Rebecca. I work with Liz and she is engaged to Dave. When Rebecca was in town we met up and went out downtown.
These are just a few of my new friends.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Just friends

I propose a question that dates back before When Harry Met Sally , can guys and girls be "just friends?" It is a simple enough question, and I'm not sure there is a straight forward answer.
I have this theory (here she goes again with her theories). I think that they can be just friends, but I don't think it starts that way. One person will, inevitably, have feelings for the other. This is something that may not be mutual, but yet must be dealt with if this friendly relationship is to exist. Friendships with the opposite sex are different, whether you mean them to be or not. The hardest part is remaining friends when they start dating someone, something has got to change and usually the friendship suffers. Wait, I said that I thought they COULD be friends...

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Can you smell it?

It isn't here yet, but it is just around the corner. Fall will soon be here. Cooler weather brings one of my favorite times of the year -football season. I have my favorites (all of which are in the SEC, is there really any other conference worth mentioning?).
MSU- gotta remain loyal to a former school, still in the rebuilding stages, but give 'em time
Florida- my former favorite but check out my new team.
SOUTH CAROLINA- new coach, good team, let's see what happens
(For those who don't know about my obsession, Steve Spurrier is a wonderful coach and all around interesting person: Heisman winner, former offensive AND defensive coach for FL, qualified for the PGA tour but turned down to coach football. I won't say anymore, I'll let you read the bio on your own. By the way, if anyone to wants comment on the stint in Washington....please don't. Everyone makes mistakes.)

I like the city of San Juan. (cue the music) Just another thing I'm excited about.
Watch out Puerto Rico, here we come. In a matter of 16 days, Sheri and I will be boarding the plane bound for San Juan. Can they handle the likes of us, we will soon see. The Pape family has so generously invited me to participate on their "family" trip. Since Lynn and Dad can't go, I feel it is my duty to accept the invitation and go to Puerto Rico and have and much fun as possible then report my findings back to them.
Sheri and I are pumped. Sheri has ordered travel books so that we are assured to hit the 'hot' spots. I'm sure that the spa and casino will have much to offer, but we must make use of every minute.
Departure date is set for August 25 and I'm counting down the days.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Joys of Living Alone?

As some know, I have kept a journal for many many years (since I was 6 years old). In fact, I still keep one. It isn't something I write in every day (my life just isn't that interesting). I just realized that in some form, this is also like keeping a journal (censored). Okay, enough of my random thoughts.

This weekend I have had some quality "Deva time," my once favorite pasttime. I don't know if this makes me a loner, but I enjoy alone time (going to a movie, reading, cleaning). Sheri is home this weekend for a wedding, the apartment is quiet (maybe too quiet). This "deva time" isn't what it used to be and I don't like coming home to a dark empty apartment (and never have).
I love my roommate! Let me take a few lines and tell you why I love roommates.

  • Roommates are the reason why Wal-Mart is open 24 hours, whenever you get the urge, there is always someone to tag along.
  • Watching television is way more fun when you can chat with someone during commercials or talk back to the tv.
  • There is someone to ask for advice and opinions regarding clothes and decisions.
  • Roommates are the best person to vent frustration to.
With all that being said, I love my roomie.

If you are curious about details of my weekend, there isn't much to tell. Friday night I had dinner with some friends and came home early. I was able to sleep late this morning and spend all day in my pajamas (i love that)! I have my Pharmacy Law test soon so I spent most of the day/night studying. I can't say that it was a fun weekend, but it allowed me to catch up on sleep and studying (and laundry).
This week my schedule returns to normal (8-5). Maybe I'll even have something interesting to chat about.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


The Fam (luke, me, dad, mom, sadie)


House guests

Over the past month Sheri and I have had many house guests. The first visit was from my friend Rebecca.

Rebecca and I met in pharmacy school and quickly became friends. In the words of Sheri, "She has smarts real good." She not only helped me with classes but also helped me keep my sainity, not to mention fun times.

On her short visit to Fort Worth, we hit the town. That was something that we did little (or none) of when in school. We headed to Joe T's, Pete's Piano Bar, and let's not forget pool time.
Rebecca is really a cool gal.

The next visit was from the Fam (minus one sister, Megan). We went to a Ranger's game, Stockyards. Unfortunately those were the only outings that I could participate in because of work. I miss my family, they are wonderful. (Megan, we will do something equally fun when you visit in October).

The most recent visit (as I mentioned before) was from Margaret and the Tupelo girls. Margaret and I have been friends from back in the Mississippi State days. We spent many hours at the pool and the Chinese restaraunt. She is my road-trip pal, wedding date, and karaoke partner. She is the only person that loves to dance more than I do (she has the blisters to prove it). I have many stories to share....stay tuned.

Monday, August 01, 2005

What is it they say in Texas...hook'em?

look out cowboys...here we come