Every Day Italian

I knew that looking back and all the times I had cried would one day make me laugh. What I didn't realize, was that looking back on all the times I laughed would one day make me cry.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

You think you know, but you have no idea

Just get to know me, that's all I ask. Then judge if you will.
Unfortunately, those that need to see this never will.

LAYER ONE: On the Outside
Name: Deva Maria Sandroni
Nicknames: Deba, Weva, Dirty, Dee, Deva Lou, Boo
Birthday: June 27, 1980
Birthplace: Cleveland, MS
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: dark brown
Height: 5'9"
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Religion: Christianity
Sex: Female

LAYER 2 - On the Inside
Your heritage: Italian and Irish
Who do you look like: I look like my dad and act like my mom
Your weaknesses: a good book, chocolate, feel good movies, TiVo, puppies
Your fears: balloons and I'm not crazy about spiders
Your perfect pizza: loaded with anything and everything

LAYER THREE: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your most over-used phrase: "tell me something" and "hmmm"
Your best physical feature: eyes
Your bedtime: most days I'm asleep by 11:00
Your favorite missed memories: college football games, games with the fam

LAYER FOUR: Your pick
Vanilla or Chocolate: vanilla
Single or Group Dates: group is great, but can't complain about the single date
Adidas or Nike: Saucony....shocks aren't comfortable and don't even get me started on lady foot locker
Favorite candy? Reeses pieces and Blow Pops (watermelon)
Cappuccino or Coffee: I'm trying to get off coffee. Monster energy drinks are my source of caffeine.

Smoke: Nope
Curse: sometimes
Sing: yes, but I can't carry a tune
Think you've been in love: not yet
Want to get married: Yes
Motion sickness: yes, even though I was told that I would grow out of it
Think you're attractive: yes
Think you're a health freak: freak maybe, but not so much the health part
Get along with your parents: We are beyond just 'getting along' with each other. They are wonderful.
Like thunderstorms: Only when I sleep.
Play an instrument: drumsticks on the steering wheel of my car is the closest thing to an instrument.

LAYER SIX: Have you ever
Gone to the mall: EVER, are you mad.....maybe not today
Eaten and entire box of Oreos: Chips Ahoy's not Oreo
Eaten sushi: yummy
Been on stage: Yes,I was in drama in high school.
Gone skating : yes
Gone skinny dipping: maybe not skinny dipping, but very scantly clad...pharmacy party in middle of October....not ideal weather
Played a game that required removal of clothing: no
Been caught 'doing something': parking....by a security guard
Been called a tease: Yes, but I don't like that word.

LAYER SEVEN: Getting Older
Age you hope to be married: I don't want to jinx myself, but hopefully within the next few years.
Number and names of children: currently none, but wouldn't mind a few
Describe your dream wedding: small wedding, big party, lots of dancing
What do you want to be when you grow up: a dang good pharmacist
What country would you most like to visit: Ireland

Funny Moment: North Carolina McDonalds "the day the tomagottchi died"
Happy Moment: Graduating
Sadest Moment: burying a friend
Hurtful Moment: I'm not sure I want to share that
Scared Moment: following ambulance after my dad had a heart attack,
Proud Moment: recognition by Assistant Dean of Pharmacy
Moment you wish you could take back: hurting someone's feelings

LAYER NINE: In a partner
Best eye color:
Best hair color: dark
Short or long hair: short
Height: I'm kinda tall...what can I say, tall is good
Best articles of clothing: button up shirts with jeans, I like the preppy look, but I don't spend too much time thinking about this

LAYER TEN: In the numbers
Number of drugs taken lately (including vitamins): 3
Number of CDs that you own: I have no idea, IPods are the new thing, and I love 'em.
Number of piercings: 3
Number of times your name has appeared in the newspaper: not sure, but 28 entries if you yahoo search my name.

I don't know if any of this helps you get to know me. I was very honest in my answers. Sheri posted something like this earlier and I completely ripped her blog.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Junk food Mecca

As I've said before, Lil came to town this weekend. The girls (minus Christine) were reunited again. Friday night we headed downtown with no particular destination in mind. We checked out a few places then sleep got the best of us and we called it an early night.

Saturday we spent the afternoon/night at the fair. This is a picture of Big Tex, from what I gather, he is the mascot for this event. It has been years since I've gone to the fair, but I had a great time.

I enjoy it more now that my priorities have changed. I'm no longer willing to wait in long lines for rides that aren't worth the wait. This time I went for food and wasn't let down. Jalapenos/cheese corn dogs and fried oreos, doesn't get much better than that.

We walked around all afternoon, ate whatever looked appealing, and had a grand ole time. Wish Christine could have been here, would have made it even better.

This is a picture of me and ,my roommate, Sheri, for anyone out there that may not already know this.

This is the first,last and only ride that we rode all evening. Rumor has this ferris wheel is the largest in the nation (and it is freakin big.)

Sunday, October 23, 2005

One Year Later

I can't believe that Lil has been married for a year already! It seems that it was only yesterday we gathered for a bridal brunch and a day of primping, as we spent the final hours of Lil's singledom with laughs and tears of happiness.
This year Lil is spending her wedding anniversary with Sheri and I since Andy is overseas. I know that we are no comparison to Andy, but I am so happy she decided to spend this time with people that love her bunches.
Happy anniversary Melissa and Andy.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Food For Thought

Lil is in town from Abilene this weekend. I'm off this weekend, and we plan on having some serious fun.
Sheri, Lil, and I are headed to the Texas State Fair this afternoon for the ultimate in junk food. If you want anything fried or on a stick, they've got it.

I've been taking pictures so look for those in the near future.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Life In The Fast Lane

Lately I've felt as if I'm so busy with my life that I haven't had time to enjoy it.
What if there was no work, no pressing obligations, no responsibilities. What would you do?
My first response would be to do absolutely nothing. Put my feet up, watch movies, sleep late. Simple and lazy as it may seem, it is the ultimate relaxation I'm dreaming about as I drive to work each morning. But what if I didn't have work and other responsibilities....I would go absolutely mad. I wouldn't be able to enjoy my downtime. Can't complain about life, but is it about time I started to enjoy it more.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Surviving Bird Flu

I shouldn't even joke about bird flu, that is some serious stuff. I learned a lot about myself Saturday night as I was lying on my bathroom floor, contemplating the calling an ambulance; I am the biggest baby in the world when I am sick. My ailments are gone and the only explanation is a bad reaction to a flu shot. Can't say that I will ever do that again.

I'm very sleepy. Not even 9 a.m. but I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. How big of a loser am I? Don't answer that. Didn't your mom teach you if you don't have anything nice to say, keep quiet. I hope to one day have a story of sorts to share.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Friday, October 14, 2005


I can't sleep. I got home from work tonight and all I wanted to do was sleep, but it won't come. Turned on the t.v. but still not tired. Didn't feel like writing in my journal, don't really have that much to write about. I started reading entries from last October and this is what I found at the top of the page......
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

Strange how it is one year later and yet that quote is still very fitting is some aspects of my life.

I made it many nights on less than 5 hours sleep, those days are a thing of the past. I can't stay out like I used to (and that probably isn't a bad thing). I need to sleep and it just isn't happening. I am going to be feeling this all day tomorrow as I zombie through my day.

Once upon a time, I used to think I was fun. Is it gone?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Cutie Pies

Two thing are guaranteed to put a smile on your face, puppies and small kids. Here are some pics of my favorite lil ones.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Destination Alaska

Spontaneous trips are the best.
One year Sheri and I made a last minute trip to Florida to ring in the New Year with a friend. There have been numerous short roadtrips, but the most spontaneous trip ever was a trip to Clarksville, TN. I made up my mind, booked a plane, and arrived 12 hours later. It was so much fun, I wouldn't change a thing.
Last December I made another trip. It wasn't as spontaneous as the first, actually a lot of thought went into it, but well worth it. Within a week I had made up my mind, booked a ticket, and I was off, Destination Alaska. I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen snow, real snow. The kind you can hold in your hand without it melting, the kind that covers the ground in a blanket of white, smothering all signs of the ground below. Alaska, another wonderful trip.
Just thought I would share some pictures of my trip as fall slowly creeps into the forecast.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Megan and Brian

Here is a pic of my sis and her boyfriend, who is my age. I'm not saying that I'm old, or that he is old, just that it is unfair, don't ya think?
Anyway, aren't they cute.

It is really strange to see my siblings date.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


When Friday rolled around I was faced with a difficult decision....sleep (which my body was craving) or fun (which my sanity was craving). I decided to take advantage of my weekend and fought the urge to crawl into bed.
Friday night, Sheri and I joined some friends from church for a Rangers game. The Rangers didn't do well, but lots of fun was had by all. We were able to get a balcony to ourselves. We had amazing seats, good food, and great company. Sleep did not come until very late.
Saturday was my day off and I took advantage of it. It was a beautiful morning and the weather couldn't be better, to stay inside would have been a waste. Sheri and I spent the day at Six Flags, for fright fest activities and fun.
Sometime you just have to fight what your body says and do what your mind needs...mental stress release. I'm glad I didn't sleep the weekend away....twenty years from now I'm not gonna remember sleeping.

Here is the view from a rollercoaster.