Every Day Italian

I knew that looking back and all the times I had cried would one day make me laugh. What I didn't realize, was that looking back on all the times I laughed would one day make me cry.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ketchup....oops, I meant Catch-Up

Just a few things to catch-up on.

1. I got a hair cut. I felt it was time. Woke up one day...it may have been
a rash decision, but I liked the spontaneity f it allo, not to mention I like the haircut.

2. Went to a Halloween/birthday party with an old friend I hadn't seen in
forever. It was a good time, not to mention I got to dress up. I went as
Snow White, Thomas went as Prince Charming- Texas Style.

3. Bought a new ride. I know, I know, It was about time to put the Escort to rest.
She was a good car, but it was time for a change...hmmm, could this be the season for changes? Not sure if I like that idea. I like comfortable, familiar things, maybe I should slow down a bit.
Anyway, Sport was upgraded to Camry. I don't have a pic yet. Just another thing to add to my to-do list.

4. Started a new schedule at work (anyone who knows me well, knows that this is BIG news). So far, so good. If it works out, could be a great thing.

5. The Christmas tree is up. Yes, you heard me right. The tree has been up for a week, and I'm loving it! It is an instant-mood improvement. I'm sure you will be hearing more on this. Can anyone guess what my favorite holiday is? Trick question...if you guessed Christmas, you wrong...Thanksgiving and it right around the corner.

6. Went to the horse races...yet another good time.

No one likes to listen to me ramble...and pictures to say a thousand words right?

Went home to visit with the family and the puppy.

Sheri's Dad made some yummy Jambulaya and we rode around their new land....very cool.

Celebrated Casey's birthday. This is one cool/fun girl!