Every Day Italian

I knew that looking back and all the times I had cried would one day make me laugh. What I didn't realize, was that looking back on all the times I laughed would one day make me cry.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Can you smell it?

It isn't here yet, but it is just around the corner. Fall will soon be here. Cooler weather brings one of my favorite times of the year -football season. I have my favorites (all of which are in the SEC, is there really any other conference worth mentioning?).
MSU- gotta remain loyal to a former school, still in the rebuilding stages, but give 'em time
Florida- my former favorite but check out my new team.
SOUTH CAROLINA- new coach, good team, let's see what happens
(For those who don't know about my obsession, Steve Spurrier is a wonderful coach and all around interesting person: Heisman winner, former offensive AND defensive coach for FL, qualified for the PGA tour but turned down to coach football. I won't say anymore, I'll let you read the bio on your own. By the way, if anyone to wants comment on the stint in Washington....please don't. Everyone makes mistakes.)

I like the city of San Juan. (cue the music) Just another thing I'm excited about.
Watch out Puerto Rico, here we come. In a matter of 16 days, Sheri and I will be boarding the plane bound for San Juan. Can they handle the likes of us, we will soon see. The Pape family has so generously invited me to participate on their "family" trip. Since Lynn and Dad can't go, I feel it is my duty to accept the invitation and go to Puerto Rico and have and much fun as possible then report my findings back to them.
Sheri and I are pumped. Sheri has ordered travel books so that we are assured to hit the 'hot' spots. I'm sure that the spa and casino will have much to offer, but we must make use of every minute.
Departure date is set for August 25 and I'm counting down the days.


At 10:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spurrier from all accounts I've read is just not a nice guy.

I would like to make one observation concerning your favorite football teams. I understand the hometown team, I am a TCU fan after all, but having spurrier does not guarantee a good year.

I am looking forward to properly indoctrinating you into the Sooner Nation. I’m sure you can find other members of the Spurrier cult, but you should learn to love some quality Big 12 football. It’s intoxicating :)

Email me, sheri has it.

At 11:16 PM, Blogger Sher said...

It was hard for me to choose between becoming a Texas or OU fan...but I think I'm going to have to say "hook 'em" to you, Adam! We can still mutually cheer for the Cats and the Rangers though!

At 11:17 PM, Blogger Sher said...

PS - I care nothing about Spurrier...but I will forever bleed MAROON AND WHITE! (fight fight fight...Mississippi State, you damn right!)

At 11:39 PM, Blogger Deva said...

Big 12 isn't so bad....afterall they do have Nebraska (although they haven't been the greatest for 2 years running)
I'll give OU a shot but no promises.

At 11:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget about Spurrier and go for a "real man."

forever yours

*the sandman*

At 8:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow sheri, talk about fair weather! One little trip to Billy Bobs and you are ready to support perhaps the biggest underachieving football program in the history of football?

You have chosen poorly.

Also, Nebraska is NOT a reason to like the Big XII. They are bums along with Texas and Okie State.

BTW-Did you check out adamstone.com and check out the art on the site? Click on the name and look at it.


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