Every Day Italian

I knew that looking back and all the times I had cried would one day make me laugh. What I didn't realize, was that looking back on all the times I laughed would one day make me cry.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Words of Wisdom or Catchy Phrase?

I've fallen short when searching for interesting things to write about. I've fallen into my routine of daily tasks that I crave to keep my sanity, but where has all the excitement gone. Once upon a time I used to be a fun person. Now it seems that I've lost my fun. So now I sit back and ask myself, what happened to the "me I used to be". I know that part of me is still there, it just seems to have taken a backseat to the routine that I'm so fond of. Shame on me of excepting this!

Now that I'm done with my personal rant for the time being, I would love to get some feedback. Over the years people have passed down lil tidbits of advice in all sorts of situations. Of all the things that I've heard, there are some that I recall over and over, and I would like to share them with you. Please feel free to add to what I have, I would love to hear the small phrases that have stuck with you.

Mom always says...Be where you are. Sounds a bit weird, but it is all about focus. Daydreams can get the best of me at times. Another quote and possibly my favorite Be Intentional...don't leave things to chance, interpretation, etc.

My good friend Margaret Buell always says... Twenty years from now are you going to remember sleeping or spending time with your friends having fun. Bet she wishes that I would forget about that one. There is plenty of time left to sleep.

Rocky has repeatedly said... Don't make someone a priority when you are only an option to them.

Lucas, my humorous brother, says... You can't play with the big dogs if you pee like a puppy. I'm sure that he never imagined that I would consider this words of wisdom but perspective is everything.

Your turn....


At 10:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, that is a very good picture of Rocky! Captures his true essence I think.

Second of all...On your life not being very "fun"...Think of your definition of fun. Is fun what it was three years ago? If so, should it be? We're facing 26 very soon. Life is evolving, and we are growing up. Embrace and accept this reality. What you might think is fun now will not be fun in five years. It will be sophomoric.

Just like going out and getting wasted is not very fun to someone our age. Well, it shouldn't be fun at least. That's fun to an 18 year old hoping to be a little rebellious!

Rolling a house or forking a yard isn't fun anymore. But it is to a 16 year old who wants to break the law for the first time.

With age comes responsibility. With responsibility comes change. Fun changes as you grow older. You have to find fun in your everyday life. Embrace where you are, as your wise and beautiful mother says. Enjoy where God has placed you, and make the most "fun" of every opportunity you are in.

At 6:01 PM, Blogger Ed Renfro, PharmD said...

Favorite sayings, eh?

I suppose I have a few, but the ironic thing is that Diane hates almost all of my favorites! Oh well...

"Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier." I picked that one up from Colin Powell, but I'm not very good at living up to it.

"Flattery works." This is essentially the thesis of How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

"Always be truthful." It makes life so much less stressful.

And probably my all-time favorite, which I can still hear ringing in my ears from my high school football coaches as we were drowning in our own sweat in the August Texas sun: "SUCK IT UP!"

At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I know why you are not having as much fun as you have had in the past. The problem is really quite obvious. You are not spending enough time with Christine.


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