Every Day Italian

I knew that looking back and all the times I had cried would one day make me laugh. What I didn't realize, was that looking back on all the times I laughed would one day make me cry.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Where is that crazy girl?

For those of you that have asked yourself, "what happened to that crazy girl?" I'm still around. Quick update for ya.

Just got back from M-I-SS-I-SS-I-PP-I. Short quick trip home for a wedding and a baby shower (different people). I do have pics, but you will have to hold your horses or check out Sheri's blog for those.
My next trip will be to visit a close friend....Jorge! I can't wait. I haven't seen him in entirely too long. Friday I am flying to Phoenix, to visit Jorge and spend some time with a good friend.

Speaking of this mysterious person....isn't he a doll?

Saturday, January 06, 2007

No, I don't blog at work

I have pictures, and as soon as my computer returns to it's rightful owner (from the fixer-uper people) I will gladly post something/ anything. Really, it's not that I've fallen off the planet or anthing, I'm still here.
Actually, since I don't have any pics to post how about some good-ole-reflection on the past year, in the spirit of the new year. (contain the excitement).

Last year I posted:

A list of things I would like to do before I'm 30. (only 5 short years away) (now only 4 more years)
1. Dance in the rain.
(still a no)
2. See the Nutcracker. (one day....one day)
3. Learn to balance my checkbook on a semi-daily basis. (not so much, but I checked my account enough to notice a fraudulent charge; I give myself half-credit for that one)
4. Take a cruise (nada)
5. Get a new car. DONE
6. Pay off my student loans, (or put a big dent in them). (not gone, I'll be a lot closer in 4 yrs)
7. Get a dog. no dog
8. Fall in love. (no hurry)
9. Have amazing seats at a concert. simple no
10. Visit NYC. (not yet)
11. Go skiing. (it will happen)
12. Learn to take a compliment.
(i've gotten better)
13. Fly first class. (no)
14. Exercise regularly. (Sheri, you are gonna have to make me)
15. Participate in Habitat for Humanity. (not yet)
16. Travel overseas (Greece, Italy, Ireland...) (trip planned for March...Ireland)
17. Buy a house. (no)
18. Get a season pass to Six Flags. (nah)
19. Successfully throw a surprise party for a friend. (kinda, not really, absolutely no credit for this one)
20. Learn to think before I speak.
(I really should bump this up to the top of my list)

Okay, so maybe I'm doing so well on my list, but I've still got time.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Ketchup....oops, I meant Catch-Up

Just a few things to catch-up on.

1. I got a hair cut. I felt it was time. Woke up one day...it may have been
a rash decision, but I liked the spontaneity f it allo, not to mention I like the haircut.

2. Went to a Halloween/birthday party with an old friend I hadn't seen in
forever. It was a good time, not to mention I got to dress up. I went as
Snow White, Thomas went as Prince Charming- Texas Style.

3. Bought a new ride. I know, I know, It was about time to put the Escort to rest.
She was a good car, but it was time for a change...hmmm, could this be the season for changes? Not sure if I like that idea. I like comfortable, familiar things, maybe I should slow down a bit.
Anyway, Sport was upgraded to Camry. I don't have a pic yet. Just another thing to add to my to-do list.

4. Started a new schedule at work (anyone who knows me well, knows that this is BIG news). So far, so good. If it works out, could be a great thing.

5. The Christmas tree is up. Yes, you heard me right. The tree has been up for a week, and I'm loving it! It is an instant-mood improvement. I'm sure you will be hearing more on this. Can anyone guess what my favorite holiday is? Trick question...if you guessed Christmas, you wrong...Thanksgiving and it right around the corner.

6. Went to the horse races...yet another good time.

No one likes to listen to me ramble...and pictures to say a thousand words right?

Went home to visit with the family and the puppy.

Sheri's Dad made some yummy Jambulaya and we rode around their new land....very cool.

Celebrated Casey's birthday. This is one cool/fun girl!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Betterment of the state

I love Texas, don't get me wrong.
But I have a few suggestions for the betterment of the state.

  1. Sweeten your tea. Not that hard. Hot Tea + 1 cup sugar, then stir -----> Sweet Tea! It is some good stuff and you Texas folks are missing out.
  2. Boiled peanuts. I know, it sounds a bit strange. Boiling water + lots of salt and seasoning = yumminess and a good snack while you're watching the RANGERS play.
  3. What is the deal with beef BBQ....try pork
  4. SEC foot ball (do I need to say more)

For everyone back in Mississippi, let me introduce you to something that I've found in Texas.
Sometimes the air moves and it causes trees to sway. It is called WIND.
MS could teach them what humidity really is, but TX could better explain the wonderment called wind.
Lastly, MS could learn a few things about a winning football season...geez!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

My Huckleberry

See Jana, I told you it would take forever for me to post anything about Idaho. Please believe that it was for lack of a great time. In fact, it was a blast.
I've long since returned from my trip in Idaho (going on a month now) and have failed to post any pictures, tell any funny stories, or even brag about the amazing weather (no humidity = good hair day).
Short and sweet....here goes
  • Coffee is good (starbucks is over-rated).
  • Idaho is under-rated. It is absolutely gorgeous.
  • Camping is fun. (camping without s'mores isn't really camping)
  • I like hot air balloons (not so much the other kind)
  • Brothels = fancy word for prostitution or motels you pay by the hour
  • Huckleberries very similar to duct tape (1001 uses)
  • Good friends and lots of laughs recipe for wonderful vacation
Plane ticket = $300.
Diet coke at the airport = $3
Magazine for the plan = $4.50
Not sitting next to the annoying guy = $priceless

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Placing Blame

I would really like to blame my absence on my work schedule or even that I work too much. Can't really do that, seeing as I really only work as much as everyone else. I could blame my absence in MySpace that has me spending catching up with old friends, but I've even been slacking there as well. I got it! I'm just lazy.
My sister told me that she sits around at working, checking my blog 2-3 times while she's there, and would really appreciate an interesting read. Maybe, that's my problem. There is nothing interesting for me to update everyone on. Here are some randomness for ya.

  1. I bought a new cell phone (really cute/similar to a razor). Still have the same number, but I'm considering getting a TX number soon.
  2. I dyed my hair (DARK brown, with touches of deep red). You really can't tell anymore, but I liked it.
  3. I'm going to Idaho very soon.
  4. Need to plan a trip home soon.
  5. I am planning a trip to Ireland in the spring.
  6. My favorite tv shows are Grey's Anatomy and HOUSE.
  7. I've had a ridiculous amount of car problems lately.
  8. My usual bedtime approaches 2 am most days. (when I work evenings)
  9. I'm considering a tatoo.
  10. I am listening to the Veronicas right now. (2 Italian sisters that are a bit punk, and sing)

Well, there was my attempt to blog...maybe I'll just add pics (just another thing I've neglected).

Friday, July 21, 2006

Stay focused

Stay focused on what you are looking for, and don't get distracted.

Well, as many of you know, I am very indecisive (somehow that seems like an understatement). Anything from what to wear, what to eat, how to get from point A to B, all of these decisions are questions that I can't easily answer.
I've lived on my own for years now, I make important decisions daily. So why in the world do I sweat the small stuff? Am I that terrified to make the wrong decision that I refrain from making any? (i think this is it exactly)

Stay focused on what I want, don't get sidetracked. What!!! I have to know what I want!? Quick somebody tell me what that is. I might not be able to tell you what I really want out of work, life, or even love, but I've got a great idea of what I don't want.