Every Day Italian

I knew that looking back and all the times I had cried would one day make me laugh. What I didn't realize, was that looking back on all the times I laughed would one day make me cry.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Did you guys forget?

I know I haven't mentioned it in a while, but the HEART WALK is Sept. 24 and we are still accepting donations. It is difficult to ask for money for the heart association while we are trying to help those who were effected by Katrina, but GUESS WHAT....now you can do both with one donation to the American Heart Association. They have decided to combine efforts. Of the money donated, they will be giving $1 Million dollars to support the Bush Clinton Support Effort. The money will provide health care to those injured or suffering from disease as a result of the hurricane. Come on people, this a good thing.
I don't believe in guilting people into doing things (whatever)...I know I have some friends out there with a nice paycheck coming in every 2 weeks...and I'm just saying that it is a good cause. I am reposting the details about the Heart Walk for those who are clueless as to what I am ranting about. For an update, he doesn't know it yet, but someone owes the heart walk $50 for cutting my hair. The deed has been done, 5 inches are gone, and for a good cause. ($1o per inch) Thanks Max. Website is listed below, or you can donate by contacting me.


Four years ago, on Thanksgiving day, my dad suffered a heart attack. Heart disease runs in my family and at the young age of 49, my dad suffered a heart attack that could have killed him. So, when I tell you that my latest project holds a special place in my heart, believe me.
(I step on my soap box) Heart disease and stroke are the number 1 and 3 killers in the nation. This does not only affect the obviously unhealthy, overweight individuals. Heart disease is the number 1 killer of kids under the age of 15 (wow). So, I bet you are wondering how we can save lives if this is something that is hereditary. Well, there isn't much we can do to prevent this, but we can definitely so something to help.
When someone has a heart attack, there is a window of about 7 minutes. If they receive CPR their chances of survival are drastically improved. On September 24, I will be participating in the HEART WALK. The HEART WALK is a idea that hopes to raise money to teach CPR classes to high school seniors and business and to put life saving devices (defibrillators, the machine that shocks people) in business and on ambulances in rural communities. How confident are you that an ambulance will get to your loved one in 7 minutes? Knowledge is power. Equip people with the knowledge to save lives.
American Heart Association Donation site.


At 11:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're hair is still freakin long!

At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to update this thing.


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